- Brookson, C.B.*, Greiner, A.* (2024). Coral restoration is only practical when local human pressure levels are low. BioRxiv. <link> *co-first
- Buckner, J. H., Meunier, Z. D., Arroyo-Esquivel, J., Fitzpatrick, N., Greiner, A., McManus, L. C., Watson, J. R. (2024). Recovering Complex Ecological Dynamics from Time Series Using State-Space Universal Dynamic Equations. arXiv. <link>
- Greiner, A., Herrera-Diestra, J. L., Tildesley, M. J., Shea, K., Ferrari, M. J. (2024). Allocating Limited Surveillance Effort for Outbreak Detection of Endemic Foot and Mouth Disease. BioRxiv. <link>
- Greiner, A., Andrello, M., Krkošek, M., Fortin, M.-J. (2024). How Dispersal of Young Corals Can Save Coral Reefs. Frontiers for Young Minds. <link>
- Greiner, A., Fortin, M.J., Darling, E.S., Krkošek, M. (Accepted Sept 28, 2022). The Combined Effects of Dispersal and Herbivores on Stable States in Coral Reefs. Theoretical Ecology. <link>
- Greiner, A., Andrello, M., Darling, E., Krkošek, M., & Fortin, M. J. (2022). Limited spatial rescue potential for coral reefs lost to future climate warming. Global Ecology and Biogeography. <link>
- Millette, K., Fugère, V., Debyser, C., Greiner, A., Chain, F.J.J., Gonzalez, A. (2021). Refining Analyses of Existing Data Sets is Valuable for Macrogenetics: a response to Paz-Vinas, Jensen et al., (2021). Ecology Letters. <link>
- Bodner, K., Brimacombe, C., Chenery, E., Greiner, A., Mcleod, A.M., Penk, S.R., Vargas-Soto, J.S. (2021). Ten Simple Rules for Tackling Your First Mathematical Models: A Guide for Graduate Students by Graduate Students. Plos Computational Biology. <link>
- Krkošek, M., Jarvis-Cross, M., Wadhawan, K., Berry, I., Soucy, J-P., Bodner, K., Greiner, A., Krichel, L., Penk, S., Shea, D., Vargas Soto, J., Tekwa, E., Mideo, N., Molnar, P. (2021). Establishment, Contagiousness and Initial Spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Canada. FACETS. <link>
- Tekwa, E., McManus, L., Greiner, A., Colton, M., Webster, M.S., Pinsky, M.L. (2021). Geometric Analysis of Regime Shifts in Coral Reef Communities. Ecosphere. <link>
- Millette, K., Fugère, V., Debyser, C., Greiner, A., Chain, F.J.J., Gonzalez, A. (2020). No consistent effects of humans on animal genetic diversity worldwide. Ecology Letters. <link>
- Greiner, A., Tekwa, E.W., Gonzalez, A., Nguyen, D. (2017). Rapid Inoculation and Recovery of Microbes in a Microfluidic Device. Chips and Tips. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26975.97443. <link>
- Caron, V., Greiner, A., Ransier, K., Cameron-Steinke, B. (2016). The Relationship between Large Herbivore Abundance and Algal Cover on Coral Reefs on West Coast Barbados. MSURJ, 11, 11-15. [MSURJ Website; link]
- Baron, D. M., Ramirez, A. J., Bulitko, V., Madan, C. R., Greiner, A., Hurd, P. L., & Spetch, M. L. (2015). Practice makes proficient: Pigeons (Columba livia) learn efficient routes on full-circuit navigational traveling salesperson problems. Animal Cognition, 18(1), 53-64. <link>
email: ariel.greiner <at> biology.ox.ac.uk
Header Image: Matt Curnock
Header Image: Matt Curnock